We are creating the future now

Blockchain World Center - Owning our NFTs is like owning a property in 60s Manhattan

Our Mission

Uniting all blockchain stakeholders under one roof, allowing newcomers to find the most useful information in one space. Creating a community across different technologies united with one purpose: transforming the potential into reality.


We were inspired by the New York World Trade Center. That is why we decided to launch on the 21st anniversary of the big tragedy. Every tragedy is an opportunity to become stronger, to growth as well.
As passionate blockchain pioneers, we thought how great it would be to create an equivalent for the blockchain world. We wanted to create BWC (Blockchain World Center) - a safe and indestructible digital skyscraper dedicated to all crypto related projects.
A digital skyscraper owned and managed by the community, mobilising our collective intelligence to create better future.


  1. Creating a blockchain information hub
  2. Constructing the Blockchain World Center itself
  3. Creating a common token for everything in the Blockchain World Center - one token to rule them all!

By making the office and retail spaces in our Blockchain World Center available to all blockchain related initiatives. Whether it is an NFT market, a game publisher, a youtube channel, a podcast, a book publisher - you name it. You buy an NFT which represents your property. It is a proof of ownership of that personalised digital space but it also allows you to become a part of a unique ecosystem


11 Sep

BWC Website Launch

11 Sep

BWC NFT Whitelist Sale

28 Sep

Blockchain Info Hub Launch

11 Oct

NFT Public Sale On Opensea

24 Dec

First Properties Coming Online

25 Jan

NFT Public Sale on Solana

24 Mar

New Properties Coming Online

24 May

Air Drop for all NFT buyers

24 June

Token Integration In All Services

Learn More About the Roadmap